About This.
For those who actually have time to blogsurf onto this blog, to quote a friend, "go get a life".
And you're thinking, "Haha. Another guy telling me to buzz off his blog, which the sole aim was for me to read anyway."
No, I really do mean it.
Please don't waste your time reading blogs, well, especially this one. If you use "keeping connected" as an excuse for blog-surfing-voyeurism, you can always find me on MSN. And I really mean ALWAYS.
The purpose of this blog was meant as yet another tool for me to waste time and talk rubbish. As a matter of fact, its a tool for ME to waste YOUR time. Just imagine the amount of effort I put in, and the amount of man-hours that are spent on this page. Sometimes I amaze myself at what I can do.
And yes, I prefer MSN to blogging anytime. For people whose blogs I do not read (which basically means everyone..), I'm sorry. I don't find blog-surfing or reading a good way to keep in touch. If MSN is impersonal, this doesn't even come near.
Glad to have been a waste of yet another person's time. You're welcome.
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